  • Acoustic
  • Vibration
  • Rotating machinery
  • Strain
  • Pressure
  • Temperature
  • Electrical signals
  Expertise and Facilities
Signals and measurements are the core areas of ADM’s expertise. With skill to develop its own precision measurement instrumentation or use commercially available equipment, it is possible to carry out measurements in most situations. Accurate and meaningful measurements are the basis of problem solving in the environment, industry and the research laboratory.

Understanding the nature of signal classes, recognising the structure of different phenomena and understanding the mechanisms associated with particular processes are essential in the effective identification and measurement of signal data.

Over recent decades signal analysing instruments have become progressively more complex, offering numerous pre and post processing functions. Frequently, the user is remote from the signal measurement process by layers of digital sampling, filtering, averaging, windowing etc and without experience it is sometimes impossible to determine whether a valid measurement has actually been made, and interpretation becomes a matter of speculation.

Worst case scenarios occur when signal data is recorded after conversion to a different domain, or the signal structure is inadvertently changed at some stage in the measurement process and the original signal can no longer be retrieved.

The staff at ADM have many years of experience in analysing signal data associated with numerous sources and processes, and are experienced in signal processing techniques and the intelligent use of a range of instrumentation in both field and laboratory settings.

The following categories of measurement are typical:

Time Domain
Linear and filtered
Event triggered
Noise measurements

Frequency Domain
Run up / run down
Order tracking
Transfer function

Swept sine
Noise spectral density
Harmonic distortion
Group delay

Fundamental + harmonics
Shaft displacement
Orbit (eccentricity)

Static and dynamic

Static and dynamic

Linear and weighted
Octave and 1/3 octave
Reverberation decay
Track tonal components

Acceleration, velocity, displacement
DC accelerometer measurements
Steady state
Impact response
Modal density
Structural excitation
Laser vibrometer

Electrical Signals
Below 200 kHz

Data logging and recording


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